The Manage Comic Subscription System automatically starts a subscription from the first issue that MK1 can adjust our incoming order numbers - not necessarily the next issue to ship.
Adding a Subscription?
After adding a subscription refresh the page as prompted and look for the issue number showing as "First Pull" That number is the first issue that we will put aside for you (but may not be the next issue to ship). If you would like to start from an earlier issue please get in touch with MK1 and we will let you know what issues are available. The same information should be visible on your MY SUBSCRIPTIONS page
Cancelling a Subscription?
The Manage Comics system automatically applies the cancellation instruction to the first issue where MK1 can adjust our incoming orders - in some cases that would mean at least one more issue may be put aside for you on arrival. Get in touch with MK1 if you prefer the cancellation to be applied straight away and we will sort that out.
First time Users :- Please make sure we have your mobile number and address as we won't accept a preorder request without those.
We send a Welcome email to all new subscribers and a response to that email is needed for us to proceed with any preorder requests.
Signing Up:
If you have made a purchase via the MK1 site you will have a MK1 account already. You can reset your password via the MK1 account page here . Please make sure we have your mobile number and address as we won't accept a preorder request without those.
New customers can open up an account here
When opening your account please do include your mobile number and address as we won't accept a preorder request without those.
Once you have opened your account please reply to our Welcome and User Guide email (might be in spam).
IMPORTANT: When opening an account please make sure we have your physical address and mobile phone contact details. We will not start processing preorder requests till we have that information. We need mobile numbers as Manage Comics notifications can go to spam so we always txt an alert when the first notification goes out)
Accessing the Preorder Section of the MK1 Site
Login to your Mk1 account and click on the PREORDER option in the main MK1 menu. From here you can browse available comics by using the Search function or filters (more info regarding the Manage Comics Filters can be found below). When you find a title you are interested in click on the cover to reveal the available to order issues.
Preorder pricing showing is an estimated conversion based on the USD$ publisher's Price.
There are some publisher and format exceptions like the UK publisher of 2000ad books Rebellion or Marvel's FOIL variant covers where Manage Comics does not calculate the price correctly - we will reach out to confirm interest at the corrected price. Please also see our variant cover policy below.
Sometimes the data files that publishers provide Manage Comics have errors. When this happens MK1 will requote the price and ask customers to reconfirm or deny their interest at the corrected price. Sometimes the data files wrongly list covers as being available. MK1 checks all preorders and will contact customers if there is an error ahead of final pre order commitment (another good reason to keep your mobile number updated at MK1).
Payment is expected within 7 days of receipt of the emailed invoice. Arrivals are invoiced according to your Shipping Preference. Comic Preorders do need to be paid for at least once a month.
Comic shipments arrive throughout the week from various different comic distributors. Arrival notifications and payment links are updated and sent out weekly or monthly depending on your chosen Shipping Preference.
Subscribers can view what they have aside for them at the MY SUBSCRIPTIONS PAGE link. You can change your shipping preference at the above link as well.
Customers wanting to have their preorders held aside to be combined with a future delivery should choose the shipping method HOLD ASIDE - DON'T SHIP YET (will automatically ship with the next order you place that includes a shipping fee). This is a good way to save on shipping costs across multiple orders.
Variant Cover Policy
Our Manage Comics listings are set to only display open to order covers. MK1 does not take preorders for incentive covers because these types of covers ship in such small numbers (if they ship at all) and are prone to damage and packing errors. .
Whilst we filter incentive covers out of the preorder listings in Manage Comics, occasionally publisher data errors lead to these covers being temporarily visible. When this happens we will cancel and notify anybody who has placed a preorder for an incentive cover.
Handy Hint: you can spot an incentive cover by a qualifier or ratio listed within the comics title eg. TRANSFORMERS #6 CVR E 50 COPY INCV QUINONES or HARLEY QUINN #39 CVR F INC 1:50 MINDY LEE CARD STOCK VARIANT.
Any we do qualify for that are in top condition go on the MK1 website on NEW COMIC DAY - we use them as a bit of excitement and a reason to visit the MK1 site on that day. Please don't ask us to make an exception over this, it makes for an awkward exchange.
The Monthly New Listings usually appear at the end of the month. We recommend waiting a week before placing orders.
At the end of each month you will start seeing new listings show up. You can tell a new catalogue has been uploaded because the banner will change at the top of the main preorder landing page. We recommend patience and waiting till at least the end of the first week of each month before placing orders. Manage Comics will have found a heap of publisher data errors already but there will still be more - things should be stable and ready for your preorders after a week.
Strange Listings!
The preorder listings are built around the industry best practice use of comic meta data and comic barcode information. A few publishers can be guilty of using barcodes in inventive and interesting but non standard ways leading to problems with our listings and the information presented.
We are always on the look out for these and will report any errors to Manage Comics for correction. If you do spot something unusual please let us know.
Improvements are happening. For anybody interested in Comic Meta Data check out the COMET standard project).
Subscription requests for Manga & Graphic Novel series:
Our Manage Comics service is not just for comics - you are most welcome to use Manage Comics to place ongoing requests for future volumes of a graphic novel or Manga by pressing the SUBSCRIBE button on the latest title listing.
Ordering Multiple Copies of a Single Comic
You can adjust the qty on order once you have preordered an issue. The steps are
1. Place comic on preorder.
2. Either refresh the page and adjust order quantity or jump to your MY SUBSCRIPTIONS record and adjust the qty on order under the My Subscriptions tab. Qty will need to be adjusted before that issue's Final Order Due date.
Not all Items Listed are Available from MK1
Manage Comics listings are created using a data feed from the GEEKFETCH database. We don't have direct control over every individual listing showing.
We do use filters to remove problematic items but occasionally stuff sneaks through or is impossible to filter out (like Territory Restricted Titles ).
Not every item showing can be ordered so we will get in touch if a request is not available through MK1. Some examples are:
Freebie or Promotional bundles : The minimum order for these are usually pretty large and the freight is the expensive part. We remove all bundle requests to avoid an accidental error of ordering many multiples of bundled comics.
Free Comic Book Day comics We don't do things like we used to - please see our Free Comic Book May post for how we have fun in our Birthday month.
Signed Comics and High Value Rare books: International freight is expensive and prone to damage. We are able to absorb the cost of the odd damaged book or a few regular priced comics but have learned the hard way to avoid the risk of something happening to a rare comic costing 100s of USD$.
Territory Restricted Titles: There is a growing list of comic titles that are not able to be sent via the usual comic distribution system to New Zealand. This happens when publishers have only purchased, or have only been granted a license to produce comics to be sold in a North American or specific international territory that does not include NZ. We have a way round this but orders must be placed as early as possible - the Final Orders Due date is way too late! See this page for more information and the latest list of territory restricted titles.
Weekly Arrivals Notifications and emailed Payment Links tied to Shipping Preference.
We will send out an automatic notification to all subscribers that had a preorder arrive during the week. These notifications are sent out after the last comic shipment has been unpacked for the week.
After that MK1 will start emailing payment links to our customers that have requested a weekly shipping invoice.
After the last shipment for the month is received we will send out the emailed payment links to our monthly Shipping Preference customers.
You can change your Shipping Preference on your MY SUBSCRIPTIONS page
We do ask that emailed payment links are paid within 7 days of receiving.
With comics deliveries arriving three times a week the HOLD ASIDE - DON'T SHIP YET Shipping Option is an extremely popular shipping option for customers wanting to secure comics but save on shipping by combining multiple orders together at a later date. The next time a customer places an order and pays shipping we automatically check if they have any previous paid orders to include with their shipment.
If you choose the HOLD ASIDE - DON'T SHIP YET option in error look out for the automatic emailed order confirmation - it contains instructions on how to pay for shipping after an order is placed.
There is no time limit - we will keep your paid order aside awaiting an order that includes a paid shipping fee. We will send a reminder once a month to reassure you your purchase is safe and not forgotten. Please reply to these messages so we know communications are getting through...
....But we strongly suggest you don't wait too long before triggering an order. All care is taken but occasionally errors occur and the earlier we know that a mistake has been made the more likely we can fix it.
How Long will MK1 hold unpaid preorders aside?
Ideally all preorders are paid within 7 days of the payment link being sent out. We start getting concerned after one month of non payment.
Please contact us if you are going to be away.
Please do keep your contact details updated especially mobile phone numbers. We will always reach out to confirm interest but if we don't hear back we will cancel your orders along with future preorders.

Subscribe To Series Button
The SUBSCRIBE TO SERIES button is the "set & forget / I want them all" button . If you click on this MK1 will put aside a copy of every new issue released of this title from the next available issue on .
IMPORTANT : The next available issue may not be the next ssue to ship - it will be the next issue that hasn't passed it's Final Order Cutoff date. After adding a subscription jump to the MY SUBSCRIPTIONS page and you should be able to see what issue your subscription will start from (it will be marked as first pull). If you want to start from an earlier issue contact MK1 to see if this is possible,
A pop up box will allow subscribers to choose between subscribing to A or B covers (or both). Covers beyond A and B can not be subscribed but can be individually preordered by selecting the PRE ORDER COVER button. The series info will display the next issue due for release up the top of the page along with available to order Variant covers.
Please either subscribe to a series or preorder an individual issue - don't do both unless you want multiple copies of the same comic.
No Longer Available For Pre Order Indication
In some instances issues will display as "No longer available for Pre Order" because that issue's Final Order Cut Off date has passed. If you are still interested in obtaining this issue message MK1 ( or use the Chat With Us website messaging) and we will advise if extra copies will be available or can be sourced.
Pre Order Issue or Pre Order Cover button
As you scroll further down the series page, issues and variant covers that can be preordered will have a PRE ORDER ISSUE or a PREORDER COVER button (those that can't, won't).
Selecting that button will place that issue or cover on order with MK1.
IMPORTANT: If you preorder an issue that you are already subscribed to this will create a 2nd request - which will lead to multiple issues being ordered for you. MK1 will do our best to look out for double orders but the easiest way to avoid this is not to preorder a title that you are already subscribed to.
Shipping Date
This is the release date in the USA. If the title releases on time MK1 will receive our copies in the same week as this release date.
DC and Image Comics arrive on the same day as the advertised date.
Marvel, Dark Horse, IDW & most Indie publishers will arrive on the closest Thursday or Friday following the advertised release date.
Final Order Cutoff date
This is the last date that we can adjust our orders for this title. Preorders, or changes to existing preorders for this title should be made before this date.
If the Final Order Cut Off date has passed you can message MK1 ( or use the Chat With Us website messaging) and we will advise if extra copies will be available or can be sourced.
Handy Hint: MK1 publishes a weekly blog post where we summarize all the major new series from the various publishers that are up for Final Order Cut Off. Check them out here.
Cover Price
The Price showing is the estimated MK1 price in NZD$. MK1 will reach out if the items price proves wildly different than the estimate showing - we can cancel your order on request if you are no longer interested.
My Subscriptions
On the MY SUBSCRIPTIONS Page : The button shows all current subscriptions for your active titles. If you placed a preorder with MK1 recently your order may show in the Pre-Order Approvals section of My Subscriptions awaiting MK1's acceptance (we process these requests daily).
View your ACCOUNT PAGE to see a record of paid orders and their shipping status.
Pulled Orders & Billed Orders Tab
Pulled Orders = items that have arrived at MK1 that have yet to be invoiced to you. These Pending items will be moved to the Billed Orders tab at your chosen Shipping Preference
Billed Orders = The items that we have sent a payment link for that are due to be paid.
View your ACCOUNT PAGE to see a record of paid orders and their shipping status.
Shipping Preferences
it's really important we get the Shipping Preference set up correctly as this setting determines when MK1 sends you a payment link.
Shipping Preferences is somewhat misnamed. It is more a Payment Preference - this is where subscribers can choose when MK1 will send a payment link.
Local Pickup : Choose this if you would like to pay and pickup your preorders from Mark One's Hamilton store in person. You won't be sent a payment link with this option - just an email letting you know when a preorder arrives. If you prefer to pay online but pick up instore we suggest choosing either the Weekly, Bi-Weekly or Monthly option to receive a payment link ahead of your next visit.
WEEKLY SHIPPING : Choose this if you would like to be invoiced whenever a new preorder arrives for you. We send the weekly invoices out after the final comic shipment for the week has been unpacked. Customers who have a single preorder or single subscribed title should choose Weekly Shipping.
MONTHLY SHIPPING: Choose this if you would like to be invoiced once a month. By default we send the monthly invoices out once the final comic shipment for the month has been unpacked.
We use the BI-WEEKLY SHIPPING preference as a catch all for customers that have requested a specific or different billing cycle other than weekly or monthly. Eg on a set date or dates each month, or when the preorder catalogues arrive. NB: f you select or change your shipping to BI-Weekly please reach out to let us know when you would like to be billed and we will set up the appropriate calendar alert.
SAVE ON SHIPPING BY COMBINING ORDERS ACROSS MULTIPLE MONTHS: We do need to be paid at least once a month but subscribers can always choose the HOLD DON'T SHIP YET shipping option to have your comics stored to ship together with a future order..
You can change your SHIPPING PREFERENCE on the MY SUBSCRIPTIONS page
Monthly Preorder Catalogues
The most recent Previews catalogue listings are showing in the banner section at the top of the Main SUBSCRIPTIONS Home Page. This link show's the latest issues available to preorder up to two months ahead of publication.
You can navigate the various publishers via the filter list on the right hand side of the page.
Handy Hint: MK1 publishes a monthly blog post where we summarize all the highlights from the various publishers. We also provide links to download PDF catalogues and include physical catalogues with our mail outs while stocks last. Check them out here.
Last Call (FOC) - Final Orders Due - Final Order Cutoff
This is a weekly selection of FINAL ORDER CUTOFF comics - MK1's last chance to adjust our orders up or down. We ask that preorders are placed from this list by Monday morning each week to give us enough admin time to organize the shipments. The Final Order Cutoff date is the last chance to alter, place or cancel preorders.
Handy Hint: MK1 publishes a weekly blog post where we summarize all the major new series from the various publishers that are up for Final Order Cut Off. Check them out here.